Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Beginning of a Brave New Blog

For a few years now I have wanted to keep a journal. Just a little place of my own to record and share parts of my life. About 6 months ago my cousin, Jody Lightfoot, introduced me to blogging. She showed me her blog journal that she had kept during her travels away from home. I found myself eagerly checking it every week thereafter for a glimpse into her life and experiences. After reading how much she enjoyed maintaining her blog, I decided to take a shot at it.

Now, I may not be traveling or doing amazing things like she is, but some of the things I do and ponder may be of interest to others. Also, blogging is an easy way to receive feedback on these ideas and activities. For you readers, this blog will be a window into my head as I go through life. For me, by writing these things down I will have a physical record of my thoughts, feelings and experiences without worry of forgetting. I suppose, as it is a public journal, it is also a way for me to communicate with the world.

All I ask of you readers is to listen (and comment if you wish).

1 comment:

Lightfooted said...

Fabulous idea Alec! I look forward to reading your posts!

And welcome to the world of blogging...glad you could make it.