Saturday, June 7, 2008

France Flash!

Well after my very long absence (let's call it a sabbatical) I have news! I've been sitting for literally months on this information as it has been at times uncertain and/or incomplete. As some of you may know, I have won a Rotary International Youth Exchange Scholarship to spend a whole year in France. During my stay I hope to go on a number of trips around Europe. At any rate, it has finally confirmed that I will be staying in the city of Caen in the region of Normandie!
Caen has a population of 200, 000 people with a density of 4,435people per Kilometer squared. It first came into the record books circa. 1060 when William built the Château du Caen in the middle of a small town. It became the most wealthy town in Normandie and for this was looted and pillaged by King Edward III of England in 1346. Again it was nearly leveled during World War II in 1944 from getting bombing by Axis Forces. This town is rich in history and I look forward to exploring it. Here are some pictures.

A Church in Caen. (Abbey des Hommes)

Château du Caen built by William the Conquerer circa. 1060

The Cathedral of Caen

The first family I will be staying with is the Corbaux family. I wonder what they'll be like. Anyway, this blog will be my communication to those interested in what I'm doing. It will be a journal of sorts. I promise to take lots of pictures and write everyday. Comments would be really appreciated so I know I'm not talking to myself. Talk to you folks soon.