Sunday, September 19, 2010

Resurrection and Feather Dusters

I have returned.

The few (if any) remaining followers of my little blog may be shocked to see a disturbance in the impressive collection of cobwebs and dust motes that have accumulated during my absence. I apologize to those who were invigorated by the sight of these little piles of dereliction my blog attracted in its torpid state and sincerely hope you can find another corner of the web to inhabit and thrive in. For those of you whom are dazed and shattered by this development, might I suggest you find a blog on recording the various stages of drying paint or monitoring the sound of growing grass.

Jokes aside, this blog has been resurrected and will be updated once a week at the very least. This preternatural phenomena has been brought about by the fact that one of my University courses, English 122, requires that I maintain a blog throughout the term. The topics of these new posts will vary as I will be writing or commenting on events and philosophical questions posed by my new English Professor, Dr. Mark Morris. I suppose now I know for a fact that someone might actually be reading my mad ramblings. This notion cheers me, as one of the reasons I began neglecting this blog was the feeling that no one actually read my posts other than my grandmother. It seemed silly to put the effort into editing a entry and posting pictures when picking up the telephone or getting on my bike to speak with her directly was far less time consuming.

While school related posts are a given, I would like to finish my chronicle of my year in France. I have half a dozen entries written in rough which ideally I would like to publish. On more recent events, I would like to also write on my stay in Hawai'i this last July and share some of the amazing sights and sounds I experienced. Whether or not I post on these topics in the near future is uncertain. With a full course load, keeping up with course work is the first priority. While I know I will write about these travelling experiences eventually, they may not appear for quite some time.

To those who are viewing this blog for the first time, I welcome you and hope I can keep you at least a little entertained while completing the required tasks for the course. You are welcome to read and comment, be you teacher or pupil, on any previous or present posts. This is a nice and clean blog, so please keep it PG and note that those who wish to say nasty or hateful things about myself, or others need not reply to the posts. Keeping that in mind, anyone is welcome to give constructive criticism or pose alternative opinions on the subject matter and the writing itself should they have the notion. I enjoy discussion and debate.

I conclude this reintroduction armed with a metaphorical feather duster and the intent to clean up this old blog. Hopefully, the broken links, missing pictures and old information will be fixed, scrubbed and renewed before too long. I want it looking presentable for company!


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